Pay back a portion of your debt within 5 years and keep certain assets

Explore your options

If you’re unsure of the best course of action to take when it comes to debt solutions, we’ve got you covered. At MNP LTD, we are committed to helping you regain control of your finances, so you can stop worrying and start living your life. We provide an array of debt settlement solutions that can help get you back on stronger financial footing and our knowledgeable and experienced Licensed Insolvency Trustees will take the time to understand your unique situation and recommend the most appropriate path to take.
For the unbiased guidance and advice you need to erase debt for good, MNP LTD is the name to remember. Complete our online form today to book your free confidential consultation and get the debt help you deserve.
You can turn to us for debt help
If you’re starting to look at your options when it comes to debt solutions and it’s making you feel overwhelmed, don’t hesitate to get in touch with MNP LTD for a free consultation. You can rely on your local Licensed Insolvency Trustee to help you navigate your choices and explain in detail the differences between a consumer proposal and bankruptcy and outline any other debt settlement solutions that you might qualify for.
Additionally, your Licensed Insolvency Trustee will work with you to select the most appropriate option and walk you through the implications, including how your credit will be affected and how long it will take to rebuild it, how long the entire process will take and what assets you can continue to possess. Of course, our debt help services are always confidential and unbiased, so you can rest assured you’re in good hands with us.
Learn more about the debt settlement solutions we offer:
- Personal bankruptcy:
A Licensed Insolvency Trustee will walk you through the process, helping you complete all mandatory paperwork, informing your creditors, getting rid of wage garnishments and helping prevent any further legal action against you.
- Consumer proposal:
After getting to know your unique financial situation, we will work with you to come up with a formal offer to your creditors to repay your unsecured debt. You will be able to retain assets, freeze or do away with interest, put a stop to wage garnishments and end threatening phone calls from creditors.
- Debt consolidation:
If approved for a debt consolidation loan, your financial institution will then be making the payments to your creditors, and you will only have to make one overall monthly payment to your financial institution, typically at a reduced interest rate.
- Credit counselling:
You will be paired with a credit counsellor, who will closely examine your current financial state, provide unbiased budgeting advice and speak with creditors on your behalf with the aim or proposing a more realistic and flexible repayment schedule.
Take control of your financial future
Admitting that your finances have gotten to the point where professional debt help is required is a pivotal first step in taking control of your financial situation and defeating debt — and the earlier you turn to a licensed professional, the more debt settlement solutions you may be able to choose from.
Stop struggling with piles of debt. Tackle your debt now by booking a free confidential consultation with an MNP LTD Licensed Insolvency Trustee today. We are here to support you throughout the process, so you can eliminate debt for good.